Since 1993
Reach Out
Working with members in your community and make a difference
The Okotoks Youth Justice committee is comprised of volunteers who live in and around Okotoks, and have a passion for working with youth.
The Okotoks Youth Justice Committee (OYJC) is sanctioned by the ministry of Justice and has been active in the town for over 15 years. We realize that youth make mistakes, and want to give them the opportunity to be held accountable for the crime that they have been involved in, without going through the formal court system.
We engage the services of local agencies to help our youth give back to their community.

Increasing Youths Accountability
Community volunteers work with young people, their families, victims, the legal system and the community in order to find appropriate, meaningful consequences for a young person who has committed a crime.
Youth Justice Committees are a proven, effective response to youth crime as they hold young people accountable for their actions while at the same time giving them an opportunity to turn their livesĀ around.

"Boys and Girls Clubs of the Foothills is please to partner with the Okotoks Youth Justice Committee.
We believe there is so much promise in the youth of our community. By partnering with OYJC, we are giving our youth an opportunity to give back to the community by helping children. Our youth feel a sense of accomplishment when they conclude their time with us and their contribution has meaning. "
~The Boys and Girls Club